Remote Connectivity Solutions - TOUCH
GSM MODULE for SMS notification
Optional module enabling to send customized SMS for warnings, alarms, failures to different telephone numbers.
TOUCH Electronic Controller
Notifications of alarms, faults and functional status of Fiocchetti refrigerators directly on your mobile phone
It includes a backup battery system consisting of no. 8 NiMh rechargeables batteries type AA, which can be easily replaced by user – to operate during power failure. Three type of messages : MONITORING SMS: The user can call the telephone number of the refrigerator to receive back an SMS including working data of the equipment. ALERT SMS: When an alarm or failure is detected, an SMS is sent to the different registered telephone numbers. In case of power failure, the GSM will send an SMS to alert the set numbers; once power is back, users will be informed accordingly. SMS OF COMMAND: Bidirectional communication. Through an Sms an authorized user can modify working parameters and settings of the equipment.
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